12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23)
International Beam Instrumentation Conference
Saskatoon, Canada, Sep. 2023
Published Dec 2023
ISBN 978-3-95-450236-3
ISSN 2673-5350
T. Watanabe et al., “Beam Profile Measurement using Helium Gas Light Emission and BEPM for Superheavy Element Search Experiment”, in Proc. 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper WEP007, pp. 343-346. |
F. Li, “Emittance Measurement of RF Ion Source in CSNS”, presented at the 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper WEP009, unpublished. |
R. Z. Wu, P. Lu, B. G. Sun, L. L. Tang, D. Y. Wang, and Y. K. Zhao, “A Preliminary Design of Bunch-by-bunch 3D Positions Measurement”, in Proc. 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper WEP011, pp. 347-349. |
H. M. Xie, “A Compact IPM Capable of Measuring Two-Dimensional Profiles with the Constraint Magnet and Multi-channel Acquisition Electronics”, presented at the 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper WEP012, unpublished. |
G. I. Jung, Y. S. Hwang, and Y. J. Yoon, “Quality Assurance of Proton Beam Profile Using Phosphor Screen and TE-Cooled CMOS Camera”, in Proc. 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper WEP013, pp. 350-353. |
K. P. Wootton, “Measuring Electromagnet Polarity Using Magnetic Remanence”, in Proc. 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper WEP014, pp. 354-357. |
K. P. Wootton et al., “Synchrotron Light Monitor for the Advanced Photon Source Booster Synchrotron”, in Proc. 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper WEP015, pp. 358-362. |
K. P. Wootton, W. X. Cheng, G. Decker, N. Sereno, and F. Westferro, “Beamline for Time Domain Photon Diagnostics at the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade”, in Proc. 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper WEP016, pp. 363-367. |
K. P. Wootton et al., “Electron Beam at the Advanced Photon Source Linac Extension Area Beamline”, in Proc. 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper WEP017, pp. 368-372. |
R. Dölling, “Simulation of Oscillating Arm Wire Monitor Mechanics Driven by a Stepper Motor”, in Proc. 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper WEP018, pp. 373-376. |
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