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12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23)

13th International Beam Instrumentation Conference
Saskatoon, Canada, Sep. 2023

Published Dec 2023
ISBN 978-3-95-450236-3
ISSN 2673-5350


M. Kuntzsch et al., “Upgrade of the ELBE Timing System”, in Proc. 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper WEP043, pp. 446-448.
A. Khaleghi, M. Akbari, H. H. Haedar, and K. Mahmoudi, “Key Factors and Drivers for Utilizing Machine Learning in Experimental Data Analysis: A Case Study of Synchrotron Experimental Data”, presented at the 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper WEP044, unpublished.
A. Khaleghi, M. Akbari, H. H. Haedar, and K. Mahmoudi, “Harnessing the Power of Emerging Technologies: Data Science and Synchrotron Advancing Scientific Discoveries”, presented at the 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper WEP045, unpublished.
M. T. Switka, K. Desch, T. J. Gereons, S. Kronenberg, D. Proft, and A. Spreitzer, “Progress on Distributed Image Analysis from Digital Cameras at ELSA using the RabbitMQ Message Broker”, in Proc. 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper WEP046, pp. 449-452.
Y. Nakaye, “Development of Beam Monitoring Pixel Sensor and High Speed X-Ray Detector Based on 56000 Frames Per Second Readout Chip”, presented at the 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper WEP047, unpublished.
C. Bianchini Mattison, K. H. Kim, P. Krejcik, M. Weaver, and S. Zelazny, “LCLS-II Timing System and Synchronous Bunch Data Acquisition”, in Proc. 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper TH1I01, pp. 453-457.
L. W. Lai, S. S. Cao, J. Chen, X. Q. Liu, R. Meng, and Y. M. Zhou, “A Novel Cavity BPM Electronics for SHINE Based on RF Direct Sampling and Processing”, in Proc. 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper TH1I02, pp. 458-461.
W. Tian, “The Development of a 128-Channel Ultra-Low Noise Trans-Impedance Amplifier System”, presented at the 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper TH1C03, unpublished.
A. V. Aleksandrov, “6D and High Dynamic Range Measurements of Hadron Beam Phase-Space”, presented at the 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper TH2I01, unpublished.
G. Mitsuka, N. Iida, S. K. Kato, T. Natsui, and M. Satoh, “Machine Learning-Assisted Beam Operation at SuperKEKB and Linac at KEK”, presented at the 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper TH2C02, unpublished.

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