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[n]	Chepurnov A., Alimov A., Ermakov D., Jyltsov I., Kochetkov N., Komissarov D., Lisjutin A., Nedeoglo F., Nikolaev A., Novojilov O., Shvedunov V., “Control System for New Compact Electron Linac”, in Proc. ICALEPCS'99, Trieste, Italy, Oct. 1999, paper WC1P23, pp. XX-XX. 
[n]	V. Poncza and A. Lehrach, “Search for Electric Dipole Moments at Cosy in J??lich - Spin-Tracking Simulations Using Bmad”, in Proc. IPAC'19, Melbourne, Australia, May 2019, pp. 914-917. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-MOPTS028
[n]	X. Wu, D. Gorelov, T. Grimm, W. Hartung, F. Marti, and R. C. York, “The Misalignment and RF Error Analysis for The RIA Driver Linac”, in Proc. LINAC'02, Gyeongju, Korea, Aug. 2002, paper MO441, pp. 133-135. 
[n]	K. Yonehara, Y. S. Derbenev, R. P. Johnson, and M. L. Neubauer, “A Helical Cooling Channel System for Muon Colliders”, in Proc. IPAC'10, Kyoto, Japan, May 2010, paper MOPD076, pp. 870-872. 
[n]	V. Chouhan et al., “Analysis of Niobium Surface and Generated Particles in Vertical Electropolishing of Single-cell Coupon Cavity”, in Proc. SRF'17, Lanzhou, China, Jul. 2017, pp. 607-611. doi:10.18429/JACoW-SRF2017-TUPB092
[n]	B?Âge M., Chrin J., “A CORBA Based Client-Server Model for Beam Dynamics Applications at the SLS”, in Proc. ICALEPCS'99, Trieste, Italy, Oct. 1999, paper MC1P61, pp. XX-XX. 
[n]	Lonza M., Bulfone D., Giacuzzo F., Marizza R., Pivetta L., Scafuri C., Zambon L., “New Low Level Controls for the ELETTRA Linac”, in Proc. ICALEPCS'99, Trieste, Italy, Oct. 1999, paper WC1P44, pp. XX-XX. 

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