[n] T. Kanemura et al., “Liquid Lithium Charge Stripper Commissioning with Heavy Ion Beams and Early Operations of FRIB Strippers”, in Proc. HIAT'22, Darmstadt, Germany, Jun.-Jul. 2022, pp. 31-36. doi:10.18429/JACoW-HIAT2022-MO4I2
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Paper Title: Liquid Lithium Charge Stripper Commissioning with Heavy Ion Beams and Early Operations of FRIB Strippers
Conference: 15th Int. Conf. on Heavy Ion Accelerator Technology (HIAT'22)
Paper ID: MO4I2
Location in proceedings: 31-36
Original Author String: T. Kanemura,N. K. Bultman,M. J. LaVere,R. Madendorp,F. Marti,T. Maruta,Y. Momozaki,J. A. Nolen,P. N. Ostroumov,A. S. Plastun,H. T. Ren,A. Taylor,J. Wei,Q. Zhao