[n] B. Günther, L. Forster, M. Dierolf, K. Achterhold, and F. Pfeiffer, “Single-shot determination of the Munich Compact Light Source’s two-dimensional X-ray source profile based on a backprojection approach”, presented at the IPAC'24, Nashville, TN, USA, May 2024, paper WEPG81, unpublished.
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Paper Title: Single-shot determination of the Munich Compact Light Source’s two-dimensional X-ray source profile based on a backprojection approach
Conference: 15th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'24)
Paper ID: WEPG81
Original Author String: B. Günther, L. Forster, M. Dierolf, K. Achterhold, F. Pfeiffer