[n] O. R. Sander, D. D. Chamberlin, R. A. Jameson, and G. N. Minerbo, “Beam Tomography in Two and Four Dimensions”, in Proc. LINAC'79, Montauk, NY, USA, Sep. 1979, paper S5-10, pp. 314-318.
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Paper Title: Beam Tomography in Two and Four Dimensions
Paper URL: https://jacow.org/l79/papers/S5-10.pdf
Conference: 1979 Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'79)
Paper ID: S5-10
Location in proceedings: 314-318
Original Author String: O.R. Sander, D.D. Chamberlin, R.A. Jameson, G.N. Minerbo, LASL, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA