[n] F. Wang, F. S. He, L. Lin, and K. Zhao, “Study on the High Order Modes of the 3.5cell Cavity at Peking University”, in Proc. IPAC'10, Kyoto, Japan, May 2010, paper THPD009, pp. 4296-4297.
Use Complete Form
Paper Title: Study on the High Order Modes of the 3.5cell Cavity at Peking University
Paper URL: http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/IPAC10/papers/THPD009.pdf
Conference: 1st Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'10)
Paper ID: THPD009
Location in proceedings: 4296-4297
Original Author String: F. Wang, F.S. He, L. Lin, K. Zhao, PKU/IHIP, Beijing