[n] Z. T. Zhao, B. C. Jiang, Y. B. Leng, S. Q. Tian, L. Yin, and W. Z. Zhang, “Performance Optimization and Upgrade of the SSRF Storage Ring”, in Proc. IPAC'13, Shanghai, China, May 2013, paper MOPEA045, pp. 178-180.
Use Complete Form
Paper Title: Performance Optimization and Upgrade of the SSRF Storage Ring
Paper URL: https://jacow.org/IPAC2013/papers/MOPEA045.pdf
Conference: 4th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'13)
Paper ID: MOPEA045
Location in proceedings: 178-180
Original Author String: Z.T. Zhao, B.C. Jiang, Y.B. Leng, S.Q. Tian, L. Yin, W.Z. Zhang [SINAP, Shanghai, People's Republic of China]