[n] A. G. Khachatryan, K.-J. Boller, and F. A. van Goor, “Generation of an Ultra-Short Relativistic-Electron-Bunch by a Laser Wakefield”, in Proc. PAC'03, Portland, OR, USA, May 2003, paper TPPG045, pp. 1900-1902.
Use Complete Form
Paper Title: Generation of an Ultra-Short Relativistic-Electron-Bunch by a Laser Wakefield
Paper URL: https://jacow.org/p03/papers/TPPG045.pdf
Conference: 20th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'03)
Paper ID: TPPG045
Location in proceedings: 1900-1902
Original Author String: A.G. Khachatryan, K.-J. Boller, F.A. van Goor