[n] Rudy Alforque, Jim Cammarata, Bill De Vito, Frank Karl, Tom Muller, Steve Kane, Gary McIntyre, Ray Savino, Jack Sondericker, “Supports and Installation System of the RHIC Superconducting Magnets”, in Proc. PAC'97, Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 9P038, pp. 3693-3695.
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Paper Title: Supports and Installation System of the RHIC Superconducting Magnets
Conference: 17th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'97)
Paper ID: 9P038
Location in proceedings: 3693-3695
Original Author String: Rudy Alforque, Jim Cammarata, Bill De Vito, Frank Karl, Tom Muller, Steve Kane, Gary McIntyre, Ray Savino, Jack Sondericker