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Author: P. Forck


R. Singh et al., “Understanding the Tune Spectrum of High Intensity Beams”, in Proc. 2nd Int. Beam Instrumentation Conf. (IBIC'13), Oxford, UK, Sep. 2013, paper THAL1, pp. 914-920.
A. Lieberwirth, W. Ensinger, P. Forck, and B. Walasek-Hoehne, “Response of Scintillating Screens to Fast and Slow Extracted Ion Beams”, in Proc. 2nd Int. Beam Instrumentation Conf. (IBIC'13), Oxford, UK, Sep. 2013, paper TUPF21, pp. 553-556.
C. Andre, P. Forck, R. Haseitl, A. Reiter, R. Singh, and B. Walasek-Hoehne, “Optimization of Beam Induced Fluorescence Monitors for Profile Measurements of High Current Heavy Ion Beams at GSI”, in Proc. 3rd Int. Beam Instrumentation Conf. (IBIC'14), Monterey, CA, USA, Sep. 2014, paper TUPD05, pp. 412-416.
B. Zwicker, O. K. Kester, C. Dorn, P. Forck, and P. Kowina, “Performance Demonstration of the Non-Invasive Bunch Shape Monitor at GSI High Current LINAC”, in Proc. 3rd Int. Beam Instrumentation Conf. (IBIC'14), Monterey, CA, USA, Sep. 2014, paper TUPD07, pp. 421-425.
C. S. Simon, M. H. Almalki, P. Forck, W. Kaufmann, T. Sieber, and V. Bellego, “Numerical Calculations for the FAIR Proton Linac BPMs”, in Proc. 3rd Int. Beam Instrumentation Conf. (IBIC'14), Monterey, CA, USA, Sep. 2014, paper TUPF04, pp. 303-306.
R. Singh et al., “Observations of the Quadrupolar Oscillations at GSI SIS-18”, in Proc. 3rd Int. Beam Instrumentation Conf. (IBIC'14), Monterey, CA, USA, Sep. 2014, paper WEPD01, pp. 629-633.
J. G. Hwang, S. Y. Noh, P. Forck, and T. K. Yang, “Development of High Precision Capacitive Beam Phase Probe for KHIMA Project”, in Proc. 4th Int. Beam Instrumentation Conf. (IBIC'15), Melbourne, Australia, Sep. 2015, pp. 121-125.
R. Singh, P. Forck, P. Kowina, and A. Reiter, “Digital Processing of Pick-up Signals for Position and Tune Determination”, in Proc. 4th Int. Beam Instrumentation Conf. (IBIC'15), Melbourne, Australia, Sep. 2015, pp. 321-326.
J. G. Hwang, S. Y. Noh, P. Forck, C. Kim, and T. K. Yang, “Development of Capacitive Linear-Cut Beam Position Monitor for Heavy-Ion Synchrotron of KHIMA Project”, in Proc. 4th Int. Beam Instrumentation Conf. (IBIC'15), Melbourne, Australia, Sep. 2015, pp. 405-409.
M. H. Almalki, P. Forck, T. Sieber, and R. Singh, “Simulation of Bunch Length and Velocity Dependence of Button BPMs for Linacs Using CST Particle Studio?«”, in Proc. 5th Int. Beam Instrumentation Conf. (IBIC'16), Barcelona, Spain, Sep. 2016, pp. 319-321.

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