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[n] L. Coyle et al., “A Novel Method for Detecting Unidentified Falling Object Loss Patterns in the LHC”, in Proc. IPAC'22, Bangkok, Thailand, Jun. 2022, pp. 953-956. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2022-TUPOST043
[n] A. L. Zhang et al., “MAGNETIC FIELD MAPPING SYSTEM FOR SSRF”, in Proc. APAC'01, Beijing, China, Sep. 2001, paper TUP074, pp. XX-XX.
[n] I. D. Kittelmann et al., “Beam Instrumentation Performance During Commissioning of the ESS Normal Conducting LINAC”, in Proc. IBIC'23, Saskatoon, Canada, Sep. 2023, pp. 136-141. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2023-TU1I02
[n] A. Schaller, H. C. Hüther, R. Mueller, and A. Walter, “Full Stack Performance Optimizations for FAIR Operation”, in Proc. ICALEPCS'23, Cape Town, South Africa, Oct. 2023, pp. 1325-1329. doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2023-THPDP016
[n] H. Loos et al., “Operation and Upgrades of the LCLS”, in Proc. LINAC'10, Tsukuba, Japan, Sep. 2010, paper WE201, pp. 694-697.
[n] M. Rehwald et al., “Towards High-Repetition Rate Petawatt Laser Experiments with Cryogenic Jets Using a Mechanical Chopper System”, in Proc. IPAC'22, Bangkok, Thailand, Jun. 2022, pp. 1594-1598. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2022-WEIXSP1
[n] A. Neumann et al., “bERLinPro Becomes SEALab: Status and Perspective of the Energy Recovery Linac at HZB”, in Proc. IPAC'22, Bangkok, Thailand, Jun. 2022, pp. 1110-1113. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2022-TUPOPT048
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- L. Coyle et al., “A Novel Method for Detecting Unidentified Falling Object Loss Patterns in the LHC”, in Proc. 13th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'22), Bangkok, Thailand, Jun. 2022, pp. 953-956.
- A. L. Zhang et al., “MAGNETIC FIELD MAPPING SYSTEM FOR SSRF”, in Proc. 2nd Asian Particle Accelerator Conf. (APAC'01), Beijing, China, Sep. 2001, paper TUP074, pp. XX-XX.
- I. D. Kittelmann et al., “Beam Instrumentation Performance During Commissioning of the ESS Normal Conducting LINAC”, in Proc. 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'23), Saskatoon, Canada # e.g. "Barcelona, Spain" or "San Francisco, CA, USA", Sep. 2023, paper TU1I02, pp. 136-141.
- A. Schaller, H. C. Hüther, R. Mueller, and A. Walter, “Full Stack Performance Optimizations for FAIR Operation”, in Proc. 19th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS'23), Cape Town, South Africa, Oct. 2023, paper THPDP016, pp. 1325-1329.
- H. Loos et al., “Operation and Upgrades of the LCLS”, in Proc. 25th Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'10), Tsukuba, Japan, Sep. 2010, paper WE201, pp. 694-697.
- M. Rehwald et al., “Towards High-Repetition Rate Petawatt Laser Experiments with Cryogenic Jets Using a Mechanical Chopper System”, in Proc. 13th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'22), Bangkok, Thailand, Jun. 2022, pp. 1594-1598.
- A. Neumann et al., “bERLinPro Becomes SEALab: Status and Perspective of the Energy Recovery Linac at HZB”, in Proc. 13th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'22), Bangkok, Thailand, Jun. 2022, pp. 1110-1113.
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