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[n] S. M. Liuzzo et al., “Update on the EBS Storage Ring Beam Dynamics Digital Twin”, in Proc. ICALEPCS'23, Cape Town, South Africa, Oct. 2023, pp. 1306-1311. doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2023-THPDP010
[n] C. Xu, E. Blomley, A.-S. Müller, A. Santamaria Garcia, and M. Zhang, “Integration of an Optimizer Framework into the Control System at KARA”, in Proc. ICALEPCS'23, Cape Town, South Africa, Oct. 2023, pp. 570-574. doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2023-TUPDP030
[n] T. Ding, X. He, W. Wang, and Y. Yang, “Normalized uniformity-based common points layout optimization method for alignment installations”, in Proc. IPAC'24, Nashville, TN, USA, May 2024, pp. 1196-1198. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-TUPC78
[n] A. Schnase, S. Papureanu, H. Meuth, and Ch. Hamm, “Performance Tests of a Ferrite-Loaded Cavity under Operation Conditions”, in Proc. PAC'93, Washington D.C., USA, Mar. 1993, pp. 962-965.
[n] A. L. He et al., “Optimization of Rapid Magnetic Field Control of the CYCIAE-230 Cyclotron Beamline Magnets”, in Proc. Cyclotrons'22, Beijing, China, Dec. 2022, paper MOPO019, pp. 106-109. doi:10.18429/JACoW-CYCLOTRONS2022-MOPO019
[n] X. Yang, P. Musumeci, T. V. Shaftan, V. V. Smaluk, W. Wan, and Y. Zhu, “Current Status of Developing an Ultrafast Electron Microscope”, presented at the NAPAC'22, Albuquerque, NM, USA, Aug. 2022, paper WEZE1, unpublished.
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- S. M. Liuzzo et al., “Update on the EBS Storage Ring Beam Dynamics Digital Twin”, in Proc. 19th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS'23), Cape Town, South Africa, Oct. 2023, paper THPDP010, pp. 1306-1311.
- C. Xu, E. Blomley, A.-S. Müller, A. Santamaria Garcia, and M. Zhang, “Integration of an Optimizer Framework into the Control System at KARA”, in Proc. 19th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS'23), Cape Town, South Africa, Oct. 2023, paper TUPDP030, pp. 570-574.
- T. Ding, X. He, W. Wang, and Y. Yang, “Normalized uniformity-based common points layout optimization method for alignment installations”, in Proc. 15th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'24), Nashville, TN, USA, May 2024, paper TUPC78, pp. 1196-1198.
- A. Schnase, S. Papureanu, H. Meuth, and Ch. Hamm, “Performance Tests of a Ferrite-Loaded Cavity under Operation Conditions”, in Proc. 15th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'93), Washington D.C., USA, Mar. 1993, pp. 962-965.
- A. L. He et al., “Optimization of Rapid Magnetic Field Control of the CYCIAE-230 Cyclotron Beamline Magnets”, in Proc. 23rd Int. Conf. Cyclotrons Appl. (Cyclotrons'22), Beijing, China, Dec. 2022, paper MOPO019, pp. 106-109.
- X. Yang, P. Musumeci, T. V. Shaftan, V. V. Smaluk, W. Wan, and Y. Zhu, “Current Status of Developing an Ultrafast Electron Microscope”, presented at the North American Particle Accelerator Conf. (NAPAC'22), Albuquerque, NM, USA, Aug. 2022, paper WEZE1, unpublished.
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