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[n]	S. Dong, G. Feng, B. Li, X. Wang, and B. Zhang, “Design of a permanent quadrupole magnet with adjustable magnetic field gradient”, in Proc. IPAC'23, Venice, Italy, May 2023, pp. 226-228. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-MOPA082
[n]	P. Kolb et al., “A Coupled RFQ-Drift Tube Combination for FRANZ”, in Proc. LINAC'08, Victoria, Canada, Sep.-Oct. 2008, paper MOP001, pp. 46-48. 
[n]	T. J. Zhang and C. Wang, “Recent Progress of Research and Development for the Cost Effective, Energy Efficient Proton Accelerator CYCIAE-2000”, presented at the HIAT'22, Darmstadt, Germany, Jun.-Jul. 2022, paper TH2I1, unpublished. 
[n]	T. Ding, “Design and precision research of Hefei Advanced Light Source Precision control network based on GNSS and elevation measurement”, presented at the IPAC'23, Venice, Italy, May 2023, paper MOPA134, unpublished. 
[n]	J. L. Steinmann et al., “Diagnostics of Short Electron Bunches with THz Detectors in Particle Accelerators”, in Proc. IPAC'20, Caen, France, May 2020, paper THAPLM01, pp. XX-XX. 
[n]	F. Zimmermann, M. Benedikt, and A.-S. Mueller, “The Future Circular Collider Study”, in Proc. IPAC'20, Caen, France, May 2020, pp. 6. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2020-MOVIR01
[n]	H. Podlech, U. Ratzinger, O. Meusel, L. P. Chau, M. Droba, and D. Noll, “Rebuncher Cavities for the FRANZ Bunch Compressor”, in Proc. LINAC'10, Tsukuba, Japan, Sep. 2010, paper MOP101, pp. 295-297. 

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