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[n] J. Gullotta, D. Gassner, D. Trbojevic, and S. Y. Zhang, “RHIC Electron Detector Signal Processing Design”, in Proc. PAC'03, Portland, OR, USA, May 2003, paper WPPG045, pp. 2694-2696.
[n] C. Gaspar, “An Overview of the LHC Experiments' Control Systems”, in Proc. ICALEPCS'13, San Francisco, CA, USA, Oct. 2013, paper WECOAAB01, pp. 982-986.
[n] J. Lee, F. Meot, W. Morse, H. Huang, N. Tsoupas, and Y. Semertzidis, “The design of the proton-EDM injection line from BNL AGS booster”, in Proc. IPAC'24, Nashville, TN, USA, May 2024, pp. 3591-3594. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-THPR40
[n] K. E. Smirnov et al., “Cyclotron System C-250”, in Proc. RuPAC2021, Alushta, Crimea, Sep.-Oct. 2021, pp. 105-107. doi:10.18429/JACoW-RuPAC2021-FRA05
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- J. Gullotta, D. Gassner, D. Trbojevic, and S. Y. Zhang, “RHIC Electron Detector Signal Processing Design”, in Proc. 20th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'03), Portland, OR, USA, May 2003, paper WPPG045, pp. 2694-2696.
- C. Gaspar, “An Overview of the LHC Experiments' Control Systems”, in Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS'13), San Francisco, CA, USA, Oct. 2013, paper WECOAAB01, pp. 982-986.
- J. Lee, F. Meot, W. Morse, H. Huang, N. Tsoupas, and Y. Semertzidis, “The design of the proton-EDM injection line from BNL AGS booster”, in Proc. 15th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'24), Nashville, TN, USA, May 2024, paper THPR40, pp. 3591-3594.
- K. E. Smirnov et al., “Cyclotron System C-250”, in Proc. 27th Russian Particle Accelerator Conference (RuPAC2021), Alushta, Crimea, Sep.-Oct. 2021, pp. 105-107.
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