[n] W. Bai, M. Li, and X. Yang, “Development of Injector for Compact FEL Tera-hertz Source in CAEP”, in Proc. IPAC'11, San Sebastian, Spain, Sep. 2011, paper MOPC029, pp. 131-132.
%\cite{Bai:IPAC11-MOPC029} \bibitem{Bai:IPAC11-MOPC029} W. Bai, M. Li, and X. Yang, \textquotedblleft{Development of Injector for Compact FEL Tera-hertz Source in CAEP}\textquotedblright, in \emph{Proc. IPAC’11}, San Sebastian, Spain, Sep. 2011, paper MOPC029, pp. 131--132.
@inproceedings{bai:ipac11-mopc029, author = {W. Bai and M. Li and X. Yang}, title = {{Development of Injector for Compact FEL Tera-hertz Source in CAEP}}, booktitle = {Proc. IPAC'11}, pages = {131--132}, paper = {MOPC029}, venue = {San Sebastian, Spain}, series = {International Particle Accelerator Conference}, number = {2}, publisher = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland}, month = {9}, year = {2011}, isbn = {978-9-29-083366-6}, url = {https://jacow.org/IPAC2011/papers/MOPC029.pdf}, language = {english} }