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[n]	C. Carli et al., “Studies on Single Batch Transfer of LHC Type Beams between the CERN PS Booster and the PS”, in Proc. PAC'09, Vancouver, Canada, May 2009, paper TH6PFP035, pp. 3778-3780. 
[n]	Dickson R., Lebedev V., “Fast Feedback System for Energy and Beam Stabilization”, in Proc. ICALEPCS'99, Trieste, Italy, Oct. 1999, paper TA1O03, pp. XX-XX. 
[n]	T. Kubo et al., “Development of Superconducting Spoke Cavity for Electron Accelerators”, in Proc. LINAC'14, Geneva, Switzerland, Aug.-Sep. 2014, paper THPP075, pp. 1030-1033. 
[n]	C. Wiesner et al., “Chopper for Intense Proton Beams at Repetition Rates up to 250 kHz”, in Proc. PAC'09, Vancouver, Canada, May 2009, paper TU6PFP088, pp. 1500-1502. 
[n]	V. Litvinenko et al., “High Current Energy Recovery Linac at BNL”, in Proc. PAC'05, Knoxville, TN, USA, May 2005, paper RPPT032, pp. 2242-2244. 
[n]	C. Carli and M. Chanel, “Creation of Hollow Bunches by Redistribution of Phase Space Surfaces”, in Proc. EPAC'02, Paris, France, Jun. 2002, paper WEBGB001, pp. 233-235. 
[n]	W. Lou, G. H. Hoffstaetter, C. E. Mayes, and D. Sagan, “CSR Phase Space Dilution in CBETA”, in Proc. NAPAC'19, Lansing, MI, USA, Sep. 2019, pp. 605-608. doi:10.18429/JACoW-NAPAC2019-WEXBA3
[n]	D. Sagan, J. Crittenden, E. Forest, and D. L. Rubin, “A Magnetic Field Model for Wigglers and Undulators”, in Proc. PAC'03, Portland, OR, USA, May 2003, paper MPPG006, pp. 1023-1025. 
[n]	C. Gabor, H. Klein, O. Meusel, J. Pozimski, and U. Ratzinger, “Experimental Results of a Non-Destructive Emittance Measurement Device for H- Beams”, in Proc. PAC'05, Knoxville, TN, USA, May 2005, paper RPAT001, pp. 782-784. 

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