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[n] S. Papureanu, H. Podlech, R. Repnow, D. Schwalm, and R. von Hahn, “The 7-Gap-Resonator-Linac for the REX-ISOLDE-Project at CERN”, in Proc. EPAC'00, Vienna, Austria, Jun. 2000, paper MOP4B17, pp. 572-574.
[n] J. W. Rathke, T. J. Schultheiss, P. N. Ostroumov, A. A. Kolomiets, and D. L. Schrage, “Preliminary Engineering Design of A 57.5 MHz CW RFQ for The RIA Driver LINAC”, in Proc. LINAC'02, Gyeongju, Korea, Aug. 2002, paper TU466, pp. 467-469.
[n] F. Orsini et al., “Vertical Tests Results of the IFMIF Cavity Prototypes and Cryomodule Development”, in Proc. SRF'11, Chicago, IL, USA, Jul. 2011, paper THIOB02, pp. 667-673.
[n] Z. L. Ren et al., “Design of the Magnets of the HALS Project”, in Proc. IPAC'18, Vancouver, Canada, Apr.-May 2018, pp. 4998-5000. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-THPML134
[n] N. R. Neveu et al., “Benchmark of RF Photoinjector and Dipole Using ASTRA, GPT, and OPAL”, in Proc. NAPAC'16, Chicago, IL, USA, Oct. 2016, pp. 1194-1196. doi:10.18429/JACoW-NAPAC2016-THPOA46
[n] M. Borland, “Calculating Emittance from Images of Undulator Radiation”, in Proc. PAC'89, Chicago, IL, USA, Mar. 1989, pp. 1228-1231.
[n] V. Sajaev, M. Borland, Y. P. Sun, and A. Xiao, “Simulation Study of the Helical Superconducting Undulator Installation at the Advanced Photon Source”, in Proc. NAPAC'16, Chicago, IL, USA, Oct. 2016, pp. 907-909. doi:10.18429/JACoW-NAPAC2016-WEPOB10
[n] S. Gorgi Zadeh, R. Calaga, T. Flisgen, and U. van Rienen, “HOM Damping Options for the Z-Pole Operating Scenario of FCC-ee”, in Proc. IPAC'19, Melbourne, Australia, May 2019, pp. 590-593. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-MOPRB006
[n] R. Cee et al., “The High Current Injector at the MPI f?©r Kernphysik in Heidelberg”, in Proc. EPAC'98, Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper MOP05H, pp. 779-781.
[n] H. Stockhorst et al., “Beam Shaping Using a New Digital Noise Generator”, in Proc. PAC'95, Dallas, TX, USA, May 1995, paper TPB20, pp. 2574-2576.
[n] Furukawa K., Chiba J., Kamikubota N., Nakagawa H., “Network Based EPICS Drivers for PLC's and Measurement Stations”, in Proc. ICALEPCS'99, Trieste, Italy, Oct. 1999, paper TC1P41, pp. XX-XX.
[n] P. Emma, “The Linac Coherent Light Source at SLAC”, in Proc. LINAC'98, Chicago, IL, USA, Aug. 1998, paper TU2002, pp. 362-366.
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- S. Papureanu, H. Podlech, R. Repnow, D. Schwalm, and R. von Hahn, “The 7-Gap-Resonator-Linac for the REX-ISOLDE-Project at CERN”, in Proc. 7th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'00), Vienna, Austria, Jun. 2000, paper MOP4B17, pp. 572-574.
- J. W. Rathke, T. J. Schultheiss, P. N. Ostroumov, A. A. Kolomiets, and D. L. Schrage, “Preliminary Engineering Design of A 57.5 MHz CW RFQ for The RIA Driver LINAC”, in Proc. 21st Linear Accelerator Conf. (LINAC'02), Gyeongju, Korea, Aug. 2002, paper TU466, pp. 467-469.
- F. Orsini et al., “Vertical Tests Results of the IFMIF Cavity Prototypes and Cryomodule Development”, in Proc. 15th Int. Conf. RF Superconductivity (SRF'11), Chicago, IL, USA, Jul. 2011, paper THIOB02, pp. 667-673.
- Z. L. Ren et al., “Design of the Magnets of the HALS Project”, in Proc. 9th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'18), Vancouver, Canada, Apr.-May 2018, pp. 4998-5000.
- N. R. Neveu et al., “Benchmark of RF Photoinjector and Dipole Using ASTRA, GPT, and OPAL”, in Proc. North American Particle Accelerator Conf. (NAPAC'16), Chicago, IL, USA, Oct. 2016, pp. 1194-1196.
- M. Borland, “Calculating Emittance from Images of Undulator Radiation”, in Proc. 13th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'89), Chicago, IL, USA, Mar. 1989, pp. 1228-1231.
- V. Sajaev, M. Borland, Y. P. Sun, and A. Xiao, “Simulation Study of the Helical Superconducting Undulator Installation at the Advanced Photon Source”, in Proc. North American Particle Accelerator Conf. (NAPAC'16), Chicago, IL, USA, Oct. 2016, pp. 907-909.
- S. Gorgi Zadeh, R. Calaga, T. Flisgen, and U. van Rienen, “HOM Damping Options for the Z-Pole Operating Scenario of FCC-ee”, in Proc. 10th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'19), Melbourne, Australia, May 2019, pp. 590-593.
- R. Cee et al., “The High Current Injector at the MPI f?©r Kernphysik in Heidelberg”, in Proc. 6th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'98), Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 1998, paper MOP05H, pp. 779-781.
- H. Stockhorst et al., “Beam Shaping Using a New Digital Noise Generator”, in Proc. 16th Particle Accelerator Conf. (PAC'95), Dallas, TX, USA, May 1995, paper TPB20, pp. 2574-2576.
- Furukawa K., Chiba J., Kamikubota N., Nakagawa H., “Network Based EPICS Drivers for PLC's and Measurement Stations”, in Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS'99), Trieste, Italy, Oct. 1999, paper TC1P41, pp. XX-XX.
- P. Emma, “The Linac Coherent Light Source at SLAC”, in Proc. 19th Int. LINAC Conf. (LINAC'98), Chicago, IL, USA, Aug. 1998, paper TU2002, pp. 362-366.
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