[n] W. Ormond and T. Rogers, “Synchrotron Oscillation Driven by RF Phase Noise”, in Proc. PAC'97, Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 4V038, pp. 1822-1824. doi:10.1109/PAC.1997.751029
%\cite{Ormond:PAC97-4V038} \bibitem{Ormond:PAC97-4V038} W. Ormond and T. Rogers, \textquotedblleft{Synchrotron Oscillation Driven by RF Phase Noise}\textquotedblright, in \emph{Proc. PAC’97}, Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 4V038, pp. 1822--1824. \url{doi:10.1109/PAC.1997.751029}
@inproceedings{ormond:pac97-4v038, author = {W. Ormond and T. Rogers}, title = {{Synchrotron Oscillation Driven by RF Phase Noise}}, booktitle = {Proc. PAC'97}, pages = {1822--1824}, paper = {4V038}, venue = {Vancouver, Canada, May 1997}, publisher = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland}, doi = {10.1109/PAC.1997.751029}, language = {english} }