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[n]	B. Dunham, H. Liu, and R. Kazimi, “The Calculation, Simulation, and Measurement of Longitudinal Beam Dynamics in Electron Injectors”, in Proc. PAC'97, Vancouver, Canada, May 1997, paper 9V030, pp. 1947-1949. 
[n]	Josef Frisch, Eric Doyle, Knut Skarpaas,,,VIII, “Advanced Collimator Systems for the NLC”, in Proc. LINAC'00, Monterey, CA, USA, Aug. 2000, paper MOA10, pp. 59-61. 
[n]	T. Hoffmann Gesellschaft f??r Schwerionenforschung and D. A. Liakin Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, “Control and Data Analysis for Emittance Measuring Devices”, in Proc. DIPAC'01, Grenoble, France, May 2001, paper PS10, pp. XX-XX. 

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