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[n]	T. Yokoi, J. H. Cobb, M. J. Easton, G. Morgan, K. J. Peach, and J. K. Pozimski, “Beam Injection Issues of FFAG for Particle Therapy”, in Proc. 11th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'08), Genoa, Italy, Jun. 2008, paper THPP012, pp. 3401-3403. 

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Paper Title: Beam Injection Issues of FFAG for Particle Therapy
Paper URL: https://jacow.org/e08/papers/THPP012.pdf
Conference: 11th European Particle Accelerator Conf. (EPAC'08)
Paper ID: THPP012
Location in proceedings: 3401-3403
Original Author String: T. Yokoi, J. H. Cobb, OXFORDphysics, Oxford, Oxon; M. J. Easton, Imperial College of Science and Technology, Department of Physics, London; G. Morgan, OXFORDphysics, Oxford, Oxon; K. J. Peach, JAI, Oxford; J. K. Pozimski, Imperial College of Science and Technology, Department of Physics, London

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