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[n]	Y. L. Zhao et al., “Dynamic Comparison With XAL and Tracewin Based on the Injector-I of China ADS Test Stand”, in Proc. 5th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'14), Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2014, pp. 3572-3574. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2014-THPME138

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Paper Title: Dynamic Comparison With XAL and Tracewin Based on the Injector-I of China ADS Test Stand
Paper URL: https://jacow.org/IPAC2014/papers/THPME138.pdf
Conference: 5th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'14)
Paper ID: THPME138
Location in proceedings: 3572-3574
Original Author String: Y.L. Zhao, P. Cheng, H. Geng, C. Meng, S. Pei, B. Sun, H.J. Wang, B. Xu, F. Yan [IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China]

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