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[n]	H. P. Bluem, A. M. M. Todd, and G. R. Neil, “Superconducting RF Injector for High-Power Free-Electron Lasers (FEL)”, in Proc. PAC'01, Chicago, IL, USA, Jun. 2001, paper MOPB011, pp. 92-94. 
[n]	T. Hosokai et al., “Application of Fast Imploding Capillary Discharge for Laser Wakefield Acceleration”, in Proc. PAC'99, New York, NY, USA, Mar. 1999, paper FRA132, pp. 3690-3692. 
[n]	J. Boedewadt, E. Hass, and J. Rossbach, “Commissioning Results of the Photon-Electron Diagnostic Unit at sFLASH”, in Proc. DIPAC'11, Hamburg, Germany, May 2011, paper MOPD54, pp. 173-175. 
[n]	S. J. Gessner et al., “Multibunch Beam Physics at FACET”, in Proc. NAPAC'13, Pasadena, CA, USA, Sep.-Oct. 2013, paper MOPAC30, pp. 132-134. 
[n]	V. V. Kushin, “Ion Acceleration in APF Systems”, in Proc. LINAC'94, Tsukuba, Japan, Aug. 1994, paper FR2-01, pp. 957-961. 
[n]	G. W. Wheeler, “Progress in Proton Linear Accelerators”, in Proc. PAC'69, Washington D.C., USA, Mar. 1969, pp. 345-351. 
[n]	D. Dinev, “Kinetic Treatment of the Heavy Ion Charge Exchange Injection”, in Proc. EPAC'00, Vienna, Austria, Jun. 2000, paper MOP1B02, pp. 1480-1482. 
[n]	E. Bozoki, J. Bittner, L. Blumberg, T. Dickinson, and J. Galayda, “Closed Orbit Correction of the NSLS VUV Ring”, in Proc. PAC'83, Santa Fe, NM, USA, Mar. 1983, pp. 3106-3109. 
[n]	J. S. Oh, W. Namkung, and H. Matsumoto, “Lifetime Issue of a Thyratron for a Smart Modulator in the C-Band Linear Collider”, in Proc. APAC'04, Gyeongju, Korea, Mar. 2004, paper FRM202, pp. XX-XX. 
[n]	Y. K. Wu et al., “Performance and Capabilities of Upgraded High Intensity Gamma-Ray Source at Duke University”, in Proc. PAC'09, Vancouver, Canada, May 2009, paper TH4PBC06, pp. 3181-3183. 

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