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[n]	L. Cultrera, “Advances in Photocathodes for Accelerators”, in Proc. IPAC'14, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2014, pp. 48-51. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2014-MOZB02
[n]	J. G. Power et al., “Design and Development of the Diagnostic System for 75 MeV Electron Drive Beam for the AWA Upgrade”, in Proc. IPAC'12, New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012, paper MOPPR068, pp. 942-944. 
[n]	W. Farabolini et al., “Recent Results from CTF3 Two Beam Test Stand”, in Proc. IPAC'14, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2014, pp. 1880-1882. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2014-WEOCA02
[n]	A. Cianchi et al., “Non-intercepting Emittance Measurements by means of Optical Diffraction Radiation Interference for High Brightness Electron Beam”, in Proc. IPAC'12, New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012, paper MOPPR024, pp. 831-833. 
[n]	P. Ungelenk et al., “Studies of Ultrashort THz Pulses at DELTA”, in Proc. IPAC'14, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2014, pp. 1936-1939. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2014-WEPRO002
[n]	M. Titberidze et al., “Present and Future Optical-to-Microwave Synchronization Systems at REGAE Facility for Electron Diffraction and Plasma Acceleration Experiments”, in Proc. IPAC'15, Richmond, VA, USA, May 2015, pp. 833-836. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2015-MOPHA026
[n]	Q. Ji, S. S. Bulanov, E. Esarey, W. Leemans, T. Schenkel, and S. Steinke, “Design of a Compact ion Beam Transport System for the BELLA Ion Accelerator”, in Proc. IPAC'16, Busan, Korea, May 2016, pp. 3391-3393. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-THPMR004
[n]	C. P. Welsch, “Accelerator R&D in the QUASAR Group”, in Proc. IPAC'11, San Sebastian, Spain, Sep. 2011, paper TUPC166, pp. 1425-1427. 
[n]	H. D. Zhang, R. B. Fiorito, A. G. Shkvarunets, W. J. Corbett, A. S. Fisher, and K. Tian, “Injected Beam Imaging at SPEAR 3 with a Digital Optic Mask”, in Proc. IPAC'12, New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012, paper WEOAA01, pp. 2116-2118. 

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