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[n]	H. Hayano et al., “Emittance Measurement at KEK-ATF Damping Ring”, in Proc. PAC'99, New York, NY, USA, Mar. 1999, paper WEA114, pp. 2143-2145. 
[n]	J. W. Rathke, T. J. Schultheiss, P. N. Ostroumov, A. A. Kolomiets, and D. L. Schrage, “Preliminary Engineering Design of A 57.5 MHz CW RFQ for The RIA Driver LINAC”, in Proc. LINAC'02, Gyeongju, Korea, Aug. 2002, paper TU466, pp. 467-469. 
[n]	P. Krejcik, “Status of the SLC - Developments in Linear Collider Physics”, in Proc. LINAC'94, Tsukuba, Japan, Aug. 1994, paper MO1-03, pp. 19-23. 
[n]	Y. Ishi, S. Machida, S. Shibuya, and Y. Mori, “Lattice Design of JHF Synchrotrons”, in Proc. APAC'98, Tsukuba, Japan, Mar. 1998, paper 5D002, pp. 378-380. 
[n]	G. K. Mehta, “Superconducting Linac Booster to NSC Pelletron”, in Proc. APAC'98, Tsukuba, Japan, Mar. 1998, paper 7B004, pp. 878-884. 
[n]	F. Orsini et al., “Vertical Tests Results of the IFMIF Cavity Prototypes and Cryomodule Development”, in Proc. SRF'11, Chicago, IL, USA, Jul. 2011, paper THIOB02, pp. 667-673. 
[n]	Z. L. Ren et al., “Design of the Magnets of the HALS Project”, in Proc. IPAC'18, Vancouver, Canada, Apr.-May 2018, pp. 4998-5000. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-THPML134
[n]	L. G. Vorobiev, X. Wu, and R. C. York, “Single-Particle Beam Dynamics Studies for the University of Maryland Electron Ring”, in Proc. PAC'99, New York, NY, USA, Mar. 1999, paper THP70, pp. 3116-3118. 
[n]	N. R. Neveu et al., “Benchmark of RF Photoinjector and Dipole Using ASTRA, GPT, and OPAL”, in Proc. NAPAC'16, Chicago, IL, USA, Oct. 2016, pp. 1194-1196. doi:10.18429/JACoW-NAPAC2016-THPOA46
[n]	V. Sajaev, M. Borland, Y. P. Sun, and A. Xiao, “Simulation Study of the Helical Superconducting Undulator Installation at the Advanced Photon Source”, in Proc. NAPAC'16, Chicago, IL, USA, Oct. 2016, pp. 907-909. doi:10.18429/JACoW-NAPAC2016-WEPOB10
[n]	M. Borland, “Calculating Emittance from Images of Undulator Radiation”, in Proc. PAC'89, Chicago, IL, USA, Mar. 1989, pp. 1228-1231. 

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