[n] J. E. Spencer and S. J. Brodsky, “Breeding New Light into Old Machines (and New)”, in Proc. PAC'85, Vancouver, Canada, May 1985, pp. 3430-3433.
%\cite{Spencer:PAC85} \bibitem{Spencer:PAC85} J. E. Spencer and S. J. Brodsky, \textquotedblleft{Breeding New Light into Old Machines (and New)}\textquotedblright, in \emph{Proc. PAC’85}, Vancouver, Canada, May 1985, pp. 3430--3433.
@inproceedings{spencer:pac85, author = {J. E. Spencer and S. J. Brodsky}, title = {{Breeding New Light into Old Machines (and New)}}, booktitle = {Proc. PAC'85}, pages = {3430--3433}, paper = {}, venue = {Vancouver, Canada, May 1985}, publisher = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland}, language = {english} }